We live in a country where more than 85% of the children are deprived of the basic needs now-a-days, i.e., health, education and employment. While every necessary and useful steps are undertaken by the Givernment of India as well as the respective State Governments, the ideas fail to be implemented on the grassroot level due to many complicacies they face.
Therefore it is also our duty to help solve this social issue with all our hearts. Our organization tries to break the barrier between you and this noble cause. We request all of you to help us attain this noble cause by donating as per your strength.
Education is a most important basic need of a child. Our vision is to provide primary education to all and make the society 100% literate.
"Health is wealth - of a child." We wish to improve the standards of the health for all children.
Our intention is to secure the necessities of life.
We need your help in achieving the social reform we intend to see. Please join the Club and make it happen.
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